Univ.-Ass. (prae-doc) Mag. Janko Paunović

Janko Paunović is a University Assistant (prae doc) at the Institute for Roman Law and Ancient Legal History at the University of Vienna. Originally from Montenegro, he holds a Mag. Iur. from the University of Vienna and is currently pursuing his doctoral studies at the same institution.

Janko's research interests lie in the intersection of medieval legal systems of the Adriatic municipalities, the reception of Roman law in Southeastern Europe and European legal history, with a special focus on codification processes and customary law in Montenegro in the 19th century. His doctoral project examines the legal regulation of dowries in the Statute of Kotor, exploring its Roman-Byzantine legal foundations and the influence of Venetian and Slavic traditions.

Beyond academia, Janko has practical experience working in courts in Austria and Montenegro (Court of Appeals of Vienna, Regional Criminal Court of Vienna, District Court of Donaustadt, Basic Court of Herceg Novi) as well as in law firms. His work extends beyond historical legal studies to contemporary issues in civil law and comparative law.


T: 43 1 4277 34433

E-mail: janko.paunovic[at]univie.ac.at 

Sprechstunde: nach Vereinbarung

Main areas of research:  

  •     Roman Law
  •    Legal History
  •   Comparative Private Law
  •   Civil Law


Laufende Projekte: 

  •         Rechtswörterbuch (deutsch-serbisch), Universität Belgrad
  •         "Zum Recht der Mitgift im Statut von Kotor"


Das Exposé zum Dissertationsvorhaben ist über diesen Link abrufbar.



  • Legal status of the Roman province of Illyricum and the legal status of Illyrians in it (Rimska provincija Illyricum i pravni položaj Ilira u njoj), Studia Iuridica Montenegrina, Podgorica, Montenegro, 2023, pp. 51-66.
  • Module case – Roman Law (Musterfall Römisches Recht), 2022/2023, 04, Vienna, Austria, 2023, pp. 207-212.
  • The use of „checks and balances“ in the Staute of Kotor, 1616 (Upotreba mehanizma „checks and balances-a“ u kotorskom Statutu, 1616), Les Ecrits Historiques 1-2, Historical Institute of Montenegro, Podgorica, 2023, pp. 47-71.
  • The status of slaves (servi, ancille) in the Statute of Kotor (1616, Venice) and its Roman legal framework (Status robova (servi, ancille) u kotorskom Statutu (1616, Venecija) i njegov rimsko-pravni okvir), Les Ecrits Historiques 3-4, Historical Institute of Montenegro, Podgorica, 2023, pp. 103-119.
  • Portraits of parliamentarians and lawyers from the Bay of Kotor in Vienna during the mid-19th and early 20th centuries (Portreti bokeljskih parlamentaraca i pravnika u Beču sredinom XIX. i početkom XX. vijeka ), Annual of Maritime Museum at Kotor LXXI, Kotor, Montenegro, 2023, pp. 291-295.
  • Development of the legal institute of loan in Montenegro and European legislation with reference to its Roman- legal foundation (Razvoj pravnog instituta zajma u crnogorskom i evropskom zakonodavstvu sa osvrtom na njegov rimsko-pravni temelj), Association of Lawyers of Montenegro, Legal Journal 1/2024, Podgorica, Montenegro, 2024, pp. 149-169.
  • History of the People's Party (NS), Founded in 1906 in the Principality of Montenegro, Durham University History in Politics Society Journal, Issue no. 8, 2024.
